
Very Cool Office Space for Lease

Are you looking for an clean and sleek industrial look? Are you looking for a landlord that will go out of his way to make you comfortable in your new office space? Want the landlord to build and furnished it too to a super high standard.  Want the feeling of being a high-end loft but want to be close to Penn Station and Port Authority and Lincoln Tunnel?...then 320 West 37th Street might be the building for you.

You can high impeccable the landlord is in just finishing a space. There are units of 4,000 square feet and 9,000 square feet available for lease here.

  • Area
    9000 sq ft
  • bdfm 42nd St - Bryant Pk 0.45 miles
  • nqrw Times Sq - 42nd St 0.34 miles
  • nqrw Herald Sq - 34th St 0.43 miles
  • s Times Sq - 42nd St 0.38 miles
  • 77 Times Sq - 42nd St 0.30 miles
  • 123 34th St - Penn Station 0.30 miles
  • 123 Times Sq - 42nd St 0.31 miles
  • ace 42nd St - Port Authority Bus Term 0.27 miles
  • bdfm Herald Sq - 34th St 0.43 miles
  • ace 34th St - Penn Station 0.15 miles
  • 77 34th St - Hudson Yards 0.47 miles
Check Availability

    Call for Details
    Stan Conrad
    Stan Conrad (646) 480-1141