
777 Third Avenue is among the top three office buildings on Third Avenue. These two available units which are approximately 5,000 RSF each are in excellent move-in condition. Cubicles are in place as well and some other furniture. Both units have a sizable reception area. The highlights of the office spaces are two small terraces. Excellent Landlord. One avenue away from the 6 subway line and three blocks away from the E and V trains and two avenues away from Metro North.

  • 4566 Grand Central - 42nd St 0.35 miles
  • s Grand Central - 42nd St 0.44 miles
  • 466 51st St 0.17 miles
  • em 5th Ave - 53rd St 0.43 miles
  • em Lexington Ave - 53rd St 0.22 miles
  • 77 Grand Central - 42nd St 0.34 miles
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    Call for Details
    Stan Conrad
    Stan Conrad (646) 480-1141

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